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Temwa Carbon Balance is more than just tree planting...

It’s protecting communities from the devastating effects of climate change...

“The best thing we can do to mitigate the effects of a warming planet is to plant more trees and protect the trees that we have.” Dr Niall McCann, A Perfect Planet, BBC 1, 2021.

Communities in Nkhata Bay North and across the globe are already experiencing the very real effects of climate change. Spells of extreme weather like drought and flash floods are becoming a common characteristic of the landscape in Malawi. The climate emergency is leaving communities more vulnerable to poverty, food insecurity, and disease than ever before.

You can read more about the climate crisis and living with climate change in Nkhata Bay North here.

Temwa Carbon Balance is creating healthy soil that means families can be food secure and send their children to school…

Temwa Carbon Balance equips farmers and households to plant trees in a way which protects the nutrient rich soil from drought and floods. Tree roots anchor the soil down so that in times of heavy rain, the healthy soil isn’t washed away. Not only this, but the trees you plant mean that not only can more carbon be captured in the soil, but people can grow more crops, increasing food security and their income by selling the produce at markets.  When households have a higher income, families can pay school fees to send their children to school, they can afford healthcare and they can invest in local businesses. 

Read more: When we have trees, we have food. 

Temwa Carbon Balance is keeping trees that you plant in the ground by promoting community governance...

Planting trees is one thing. Protecting them is another. Local governance structures play a central role in promoting sustainable forest management practices in the local communities making sure that the trees that you plant stay in the ground, bringing benefits to the Earth and to the communities for years to come. Temwa Carbon Balance supports enforcement of local forest bylaws that now cover all of Temwa’s catchment area and protect the trees that we plant for you. 

"Temwa is making sure that the communities are able to protect their environment by planting natural trees, by raising more tree seedlings. The organisation is working with the community committees to make sure they are fully implementing the bylaws that aim to protect the natural forests" 

– Kondwani Botha, Temwa Programme Manager


Promise Mkandawire’s Journey Balancing Carbon to Address Climate Change and Empower Communities

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Headman Thindwa and Tree Planting to Protect The Environment

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Temwa Carbon Balance August 2024 Report

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